June 26, 2012

The Jacks: Jack Nicholson

You don't go without mentioning Jack Nicholson when it's about Cher's movie co-stars! The handsome actor gets a spot in the deck of playing cards as the Jack of spades for his notorious portrayal of the devilish Daryl in The Witches of Eastwick.

Stay tuned for another card tomorrow, fellow fans!


  1. My guess for the other two jacks are Bob Hoskins from "Mermaids" and Dennis Quaid from "Suspect". Though they are not as memorable as Nicholas Cage and Jack. Or, Greg Allman and Rob Camiletti? Chaz and Elijah? I suppose those could be Kings. Just an idea, you could do the top half of a Chaz card as he currently is and then the bottom half as she formerly was. Just thinking out loud.

  2. dennis quaid and sam elliot :)
